



    1\Sellers Mandate: Evgeny Desyatov via Oooftg2000@mail.rutel. +7(922)208-5274

    Via: Forest Trade, OOO

    We hereby state by this soft corporate offer with full authority and responsibility as a copper powder seller. Offer the following commodity on a monthly basis as the title holder.

    COMMODITY: High Purity Aluminium

    QUALITY: Chemical purity no less than 99.999%

    Quality will be confirmed by TAC GIREDMET (Russia) and or IGAS GmbH (Germany)

    ORIGIN: Russia

    AMOUNT:upto 20,000 kg/month

    CONTRACT DURATION: Spot or 12+ month contract


    PRICE: $ 245 USD per kg. (negotiable depends on the amount)(10 $ commissions )

    PAYMENT: RLDC or BG (Top 25 world bank)


    1. Seller issues SCO.

    2. Buyer issues ICPO with full banking details and soft probe authorization.

    3. Seller issues contract.

    4. Buyer signs and returns contract to seller with an NCNDA-IMFPA.

    5. Seller signs contract, NCNDA-IMFPA then returns them to buyer.

    6. Buyer and seller lodge the contract and NCNDA-IMFPA with their banks.

    7. Seller issues POP.

    1) IGAS and GIREDMET reports for product on hand. (Attached)

    2) Safe Keeping receipt. (If any)

    8. Buyer issues RLDC/BG valid for the term of the contract.

    9. Seller issues a 2% performance bond.

    10. Shipping commences.

    11. Product arrives in a maximum of 30 days.


    Sellers Mandate: Evgeny Desyatov via Oooftg2000@mail.rutel. +7(922)208-5274

    Via: Forest Trade, OOO

    We hereby state by this soft corporate offer with full authority and responsibility as a copper powder seller. Offer the following commodity on a monthly basis as the title holder.

    COMMODITY: Superfine Copper Powder (Cu).

    QUALITY: Chemical purity no less than 99.999%
    Quality will be confirmed by TAC GIREDMET (Russia) and or

    IGAS GmbH (Germany)

    ISOTOPE STRUCTURE: Cu63- 69.09+0.05; Cu65- 30.91+0.03;

    AMOUNT:upto 15,000 kg/month

    CONTRACT DURATION: Spot or 12 month contract

    ORIGIN: Russia


    PRICE: $1.500 USD per kg. (negotiable depends on the amount)(100 $ commissions )

    PAYMENT: RLDC or BG (Top 25 world bank)


    1. Seller issues SCO.

    2. Buyer issues ICPO with full banking details and soft probe authorization.

    3. Seller issues contract.

    4. Buyer signs and returns contract to seller with an NCNDA-IMFPA.

    5. Seller signs contract, NCNDA-IMFPA then returns them to buyer.

    6. Buyer and seller lodge the contract and NCNDA-IMFPA with their banks.

    7. Seller issues POP.

    1) IGAS and GIREDMET reports for product on hand. (Attached)

    2) Safe Keeping receipt. (If any)

    8. Buyer issues RLDC/BG valid for the term of the contract.

    9. Seller issues a 2% performance bond.

    10. Shipping commences.

    11. Product arrives in a maximum of 30 days.
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